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Happy Birthday
Happy New Year
8 March
"You and Me"

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Ride riding school operates on the basis of ride-ranch on Lisi Lake.

The relationship between a horse and a person is centuries old. Hippocrates was the first to argue that riding a horse makes the wounded and sick healthier faster. And then there were the dark-skinned ones, who were going to take a look at them. He was an observant man – he noticed that the girder freed a person from dark thoughts and resembled bright thoughts.

Unfortunately, in today's world, children and adolescents are alienated from nature, that is why the equestrian school, in addition to physical activity, is also of great socio-educational importance. The little ones have the opportunity not only to get to know their horse friend, but also to get used to the equestrian environment, stables, horse stables, horse care and feeding. Which brings the horse and child closer together.

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How to use

The term of use of the voucher is 3 months after purchase. 

Validity date and redemption

The term of use of the voucher is 3 months after purchase. 


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hope this will brighten your day a little

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